Who are we to JUDGE?!?!?

Well, as we have all heard President Barack Obama recently announced (publicly) he was in support of same-sex marriage. If this is new information to you, please read this article by David Jackson, USA Today in order to catch up. I excerpt this quote from the article: “I’ve just concluded that for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama told ABC’s Good Morning America.

Why? Why is it NOW important for Obama to say he supports same-sex marriage? Is this just a campaign strategy? He seems to be willing to lose a few to gain a few…I think there are now a lot of angry homophobes (I use that term loosely) that “were” Obama supporters.  It takes money to make money, right. Yeah OK, not the same thing. Let’s be honest, there are a lot of people who vote for the wrong reasons, or just vote all willy-nilly. Yes, I said willy-nilly because that is a pretty good way to look at it. OR……….did he really just take a while to make sense out of it.

Well, that is not my point…my point is THIS: WHO CARES. If Obama wants to support same-sex marriage and making it legal…YAAAAAAY!!! Oh, and LET HIM!  I think it is about time a president jumped on board. However, if you actually pay attention to EVERYTHING and not just what your selective hearing allows you to hear. You might find that he wasn’t always on board. Even in the article that I linked it stated that his friends and family had to persuade him. What do you think that meant? Well, I think you can read into that any way that you want. Most of you will anyway.

If you are NOT going to vote for Obama after this and you did the last term…then one can safely guess that you must have voted for him because he was black. If you did…uh…?!? Good luck voting for the other guy…he’s not exactly out here helping the minority. Republicans never do. At least in the way that you would think. Of course, not everyone will vote with all that in mind. Some, not all, vote for reasons that don’t really make a lot of sense. So…why vote at all? That is beside the point. When it comes to voting, make sure to know who stands where on the issues that are important to you. BUT…keep in mind, they may not be for/against everything that you are. Voting is harder than it looks.

Here is something I’d like to know; how do people let it get to them? If two people wanna get married…LET THEM. As long as they’re not bothering you then don’t bother them. I don’t know about you, but my mother always said; ‘do on to others’. I think you know the rest.

Leave the Bible and the tradition of marriage out of it. First of all, that is not a legitimate argument and it doesn’t usually end with a positive outcome. Centuries ago it was about money and property, now it’s about love. Well, it’s supposed to be (about love). Getting a green card, that says tradition and religion all over it. Did you see the latest Kardashian wedding…uh…er? How about JLo…she is doin’ it well. The ‘tradition’ of marriage is not exactly scared. On the occasion, you might find a couple celebrating there Golden Anniversary, but it’s not as often as it used to be.

My thought is this…you say united we stand, but discriminate at every chance given. All this time passed and there are still fights for equality…?!?!?! Really? Our country has a lot more work to do. My opinion on Obama, I LOVE IT!!  I also think that more entities will follow his lead. I recently heard that the NAACP also announced they endorse same-sex marriage. Click Here for the story.  The NAACP said it is a civil right and I agree. You should be able to marry whoever you choose.

Keep in mind these are my thoughts/opinions. I realize this is a controversial topic and I do not intend to offend anyone. I encourage comments and feel that everyone has a valuable opinion. Please be mindful of others when you post your comment.

I support same-sex marriage.

Marriage…Traditional? (according to the Bible)