Where do I find the News section??

This was a topic that actually gave me something to think about. I mean REALLY contemplate. Where DO I get my news? How up to date am I on what is going on?

I did put some effort into thinking about this and noticed that I NEVER pick up a news publication. No, I do not read the Omaha World-Herald, at least not the print edition. I don’t even get the ads around the holidays. It’s a waste of paper. I can get the same thing online and save a tree. As long as digital media is on the rise, I’m going to be fine. I do use mostly news apps like USA Today and the Chicago newspapers. I am always on Twitter (@ThePhotoTeek), but with anything on Twitter, I double check for a reliable source.

In today’s society, there is a desire to find out as soon as something happens. When I work at a sporting event, I see other journalists and they ALWAYS have a way to upload their content. I actually feel like I’m behind because I don’t lug around my computer. I’m actually considering ways to change that in the coming semester. I need to get into these habits now. I must have my content up just as fast!!

I think there is a strong readership when you can provide information right away, and the print edition is a confirmation. But that is strictly my opinion. It seems the delay of a printed news article may not be working for people anymore. The existence of the subscriber will eventually die out and that may be the time that we see more print editions phase out. It’s unfortunate some newspapers couldn’t surpass this intense shift in the industry. (e.g. Rocky Mountain News – Yes that broke my heart, CO native) I’m afraid of the possibility that other publications will end up in the same boat.

Does that make me nervous as a Journalism major? NO. I say that with confidence because the news will still need to be written, photographed, and videotaped. Whether it’s printed, online, or aired. Although, I’m not going to bank on that. I trust my degree will be well rounded and I will throw down on my portfolio. I’ll have the tools, I just need to make sure I use them to their potential.

Maybe having an actual newspaper will be a collector’s item…one day.



3 thoughts on “Where do I find the News section??

  1. Pingback: We interrupt this broadcast with an important message from: the journalism major | ThePhotoTeek

  2. I think the disruption in the news industry will be felt for some time. Actually, I don’t think it will ever be not disrupted. Keeping up with tools, being the best you can are ways to make sure you have the skills and credentials to get a job or make your own job. i truly believe there are many opportunities, but they are not as obvious.

    • I most certainly agree with you on that. Staying as up to date as possible will be beneficial to me, or any journalist. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

Penny for your thoughts. =]

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